Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Saturday Morning Adventures #8 Variant B (Hymel) (12/27/2023)

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(W) Erik Burnham (A) Sarah Myer (CA) Travis Hymel (C) Luis Antonio Delgado

​​Once upon a time, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles encountered Mr. Ogg, a card-carrying trickster type from an alternate dimension. Now he’s back and it’s no more Mr. Nice Guy as Ogg charges the Turtles with a crime that they’re most definitely guilty of, and Raphael is the guiltiest of all! It’s an extradimensional accusation of the meta kind—with some bonus extraterrestrials to boot in the form of Wingnut and Screwloose—all in this issue of Saturday Morning Adventures!

Kids to Adults

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